So you got those laminate shower panels installed recently. Good job! But now you’re wondering how to clean them as there isn’t much information available on this.
Laminate shower panels that you got installed in those walls are different from laminate floors. These panels are waterproof whereas floors are not. Although they look similar to tiles and marble as they come in different styles and finishes, you do need to know what to clean these surfaces with.
How to Clean Laminate Shower Walls (7 Methods)
The surface of laminate shower panels is usually made with High-pressure laminate. This makes it resistant to water and other solutions.
Let’s see these different methods to get that scum and those stains out of your laminate shower walls.
Method: 1 Cleaning Laminate Shower Walls with Soap & Water

To prevent dulling of your laminate shower walls and keep their shine, cleaning them every 2 days is recommended. This also prevents the build-up of soap scum and mildew.
This method is quite easy and you can do it after every bath.
Liquid soap
Spray bottle
Soft brush or cloth
STEP 1- Pick a liquid soap (such as Dawn) of your choice and pour some into a spray bottle. The quantity you need depends on the size of your walls.
STEP 2- Add a little bit of water and shake. This is to reduce the thickness of the soap and allow for easy spraying.
STEP 3- Spray the solution over your walls and clean with a soft brush or towel as you spray.
STEP 4- When you are done, rinse your laminate shower panel with water and dry with a squeegee.
Simple! Isn’t it?
Method: 2 Cleaning Laminate Shower Walls with Vinegar

You should use vinegar once in a while to disinfect the walls. It contains acetic acid which disinfects the surfaces. (1) And guess what? Diluted Vinegar can be used to clean mineral deposits, grease, and grime from laminate shower walls without causing damage.
There are several ways of using vinegar to clean laminate walls. Let’s take a look at them……
Option A: Vinegar and Water
White distilled vinegar
Warm water
Soft brush
Spray bottle
Old towel
Dish detergent (Optional)
STEP 1- Pour 1 cup of distilled white vinegar into a spray bottle and add 1 cup of warm water to it.
STEP 2- Shake the mixture thoroughly and spray it over your laminate shower walls generously.
STEP 3- Use a soft brush to scrub (in a circular motion) your laminate shower walls as you spray.
STEP 4- Rinse your walls with hot water before drying with a towel.
If your shower walls are more than a little dirty, you should add 1 tablespoon of dishwashing detergent to the solution.
Option B: Vinegar and Rubbing Alcohol
If your laminate shower panels have sticky hairspray, ink stains, or stickers that you want to remove, you may need to use more than vinegar to get them clean again. (2) Rubbing alcohol is a household disinfectant and evaporates quickly without pooling.
White vinegar
Rubbing alcohol
Orange essential oil
Spray bottle
Soft sponge
Towel / Squeegee
STEP 1- Pour 1/2 cup of white vinegar + 1/2 cup of rubbing alcohol + 1/2 cup of water into a Spray Bottle.
STEP 2- Also add 5 drops of sweet orange essential oil. This is to overtake the smell of vinegar and alcohol and to give your bathroom a nice fragrance.
STEP 3- Shake the spray bottle for about 10 seconds. Make sure to get a thorough consistency.
STEP 4- Spray it on your laminate shower panels (one section at a time) and scrub them with a soft sponge as you spray.
STEP 5- After washing, rinse the shower panels with warm water until the solution is completely gone and your walls are neat.
STEP 6- Dry it off with a towel or use a squeegee.
NOTE: Never mix Rubbing Alchohol with Bleach. It causes a chemical reaction that can damage lungs.(3)
Option C: Vinegar and Baking Soda
Baking soda is a very common cleaning agent used for multiple different purposes. Many American homes use it to clean the shower curtains and getting rid of mildew buildup. (4) It is usually mixed with Vinegar to increase its effectiveness.
Baking soda
Spray bottle
Soft brush
STEP 1- Pour a 1/4 cup of vinegar into a spray bottle and add 1 cup of baking soda to it.
STEP 2- Pour some hot water and mix thoroughly. Shake it well for about 5 seconds to make sure that the solution is evenly mixed.
STEP 3- Spray the solution over your laminate shower walls and leave it for about 2 hours.
STEP 4- Clean the laminate panels with a soft brush and rinse with warm water.
STEP 5- Remove water from the laminate shower panels with a squeegee or dry with a towel.
Method: 3 Cleaning Laminate Shower Walls with Baking Soda & Water

If your shower walls are mostly clean but there are tough stains in some area, you should try this.
Baking soda
STEP 1- Pour some baking powder into a small container. The quantity you pour depends on the size of your bathroom.
STEP 2- Add a few drops of water, just enough to make a paste.
STEP 3- Use your finger to blend the mixture until you have that thick paste.
STEP 4- Use an old toothbrush to apply the paste to every stain on your panel.
STEP 5- Leave it for about 30 minutes or an hour. Then scrub it with a soft wet toothbrush and rinse with water.
STEP 6- Dry your shower panels with a towel.
Method 4: Cleaning Laminate Shower Walls with Detergent & Antibacterial Spray
This is another effective method of killing more than 99% of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and mold in your bathrooms.

Microfiber cloth
Mild detergent
Antibacterial spray
STEP 1- Put some mild detergent on a damp sponge and gently scrub your shower panels with it.
STEP 2- After cleaning every area, rinse with water thoroughly.
STEP 3- Use a microfibre cloth to dry your laminate shower walls.
STEP 4- When it is dry, apply an antibacterial spray to your shower walls and leave them to air dry.
Method 5: Cleaning Laminate Shower Walls with Non-Abrasive Cleaners

There are a lot of non-abrasive cleaners in your local stores that you can use to clean your laminate shower walls. Examples are ShowerWall Superclean, Windex, Lime away, Fantastic, Tilex spray, Pinesol, etc.
Non-abrasive cleaning solution
Soft sponge
Clean cloth
STEP 1- Spray the cleaning solution onto your laminate shower walls.
STEP 2- Use a soft sponge to scrub your panels until they look clean.
STEP 3- Rinse your shower panels thoroughly with water.
STEP 4- Wipe with a clean cloth.
Method 6: Cleaning Laminate Shower Walls with Hydrogen Peroxide

In a shower's moist environment, if you see Mold and mildew, you need to try using Hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is efficient in killing germs and removing soap scum. (5) It can be combined with baking soda or alcohol to clean your laminate shower walls.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Baking Soda
Soft Cloth
STEP 1- Spray hydrogen peroxide on your shower walls.
STEP 2- Sprinkle baking soda on a soft cloth and gently scrub your shower panels.
STEP 3- Rinse the walls with water immediately after you’re done and dry them with a towel.
Method 7: Cleaning with Ammonia & Water

Ammonia is a household cleaning agent that is quite effective in cleaning laminate shower walls too. Keep this method for the last as Ammonia can produce toxic fumes which affect your lungs.
In case you happen to use it, keep your bathroom well ventilated when using it. You should also protect your eyes and skin. (6)
NOTE: Household Ammonia can be used to for shower walls but you should avoid its use on colored laminate walls as it can discolor them over time.
Rubber gloves & Safety glasses
Spray bottle
Soft cloth
STEP 1- Wear your rubber gloves. You should also use safety glasses to protect your eyes.
STEP 2- Pour 1 cup of ammonia into a spray bottle.
STEP 3- Add 2 cups of water and mix well.
STEP 4- Spray the solution onto your laminate shower walls and immediately wipe with a soft cloth, paying attention to stains.
STEP 5- Rinse the walls with water generously.
STEP 6- Dry with a towel.
What the Experts Say
I contacted TubCove, a manufacturer of Laminate shower walls to ask bout their comments on using the following individually or in a diluted form:
1- Vinegar
2- Rubbing alcohol
3- Baking soda
4- Hydrogen peroxide
5- Ammonia
Here’s what they said:
Any of these items, SO LONG AS THEY ARE DILUTED, should work.
Jim Marowitz, Director of Operations at TubCove Inc
Materials You Shouldn’t Use to Clean Laminate Shower Walls
1- Do not use Abrasive or Gritty Cleaners such as Scotch-Brite™ Pads Comet® Bleach Powder or Soft Cleanser.
2- Wash and go cleaners should also be avoided.
3- Cleaners with high acidic content can cause discoloration and damage the surface of the panels which you wouldn’t want, so avoid them.
4- Strong Solvents (Thinners, MEK), which may damage or dull the surface of Wetwall. Using these solvents might also affect the warranty of your laminate shower panels.
Lance Mundkowsky who works as Sales Coordinator at Wilsonart Americas directed me to this guide for care and maintenance of wetwall.
Why Should I Choose Laminate over Tiles?
1- Tiles have grout that laminates do not have. These grouts between the tiles can discolor over time.
2- They are difficult to clean.
3- Ceramic tiles can crack or come loose and bacteria can hide in them making a nice home.
4- Laminate is durable, easy to clean, and affordable.
Laminate shower walls are affordable and easy to clean but everything needs care. To prevent gradual damage and make the panels last longer, you should clean them regularly and avoid abrasive cleaners.
If your laminate shower walls are dirty, greasy, have stains on them or you simply want to disinfect them, then use the above methods and you’ll definitely see the changes.
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