Will Dish Soap Kill Mold? (Dishes, Hands, Walls, Floor)

can Dish Soap Kill Mold

Mold in your home not only poses a health risk but also is an ugly scar on whatever surface it appears. It has to be gotten rid of immediately.

People are concerned about eradicating mold from their homes from its very roots. And for this, many don’t want to spend money on expensive mold removers. Many prefer to use the good old dish soap

But can Dish soap kill mold? We’ll find this out in this article! We’ll also talk specifically about mold on dishes, hands, walls, floor, and wooden surfaces. We’ll show you the effective step-by-step methods by which you can remove mold from these surfaces.

Will Dish Soap Kill Mold?

Dish soap will not kill mold. Dish soap will however clean mold. There’s a big difference between cleaning mold and killing mold and your choice determines the kind of solution you will be going for.

When you use dish soap and water on mold, especially mold that developed on non-porous surfaces, the mold dislodges and you can get it off the surface easily.

When this happens, the mold doesn’t die, this just enables you to remove it from wherever you found it.

The mold can still grow back on that surface because the spores will still be alive and the one you removed can still cause allergies if you don’t dispose of it properly.

Dawn dish soap, however, kills mold but it is not as effective as other products we know and it’s not advised where mold has grown in large numbers.

Dish soap is however vital when killing mold with other products like bleach.

These products that are known to be very effective in killing mold may not work as well if dish soaps are not included in their usage. So dish soaps aren’t useless when it comes to mold killing.

Why is Dish Soap Necessary for Mold Killing?

Mold-killing chemicals like bleach cannot kill mold on porous surfaces. This is because the pores of the mold will be rooted in the material and bleach won’t be able to penetrate the surface to kill them.

So applying a bleach solution would only kill the mold on the surface, and the water that penetrates the surface will only aid the pores in growing faster.

This is why dish soap is needed. Dish soaps contain what is called surfactant. This breaks the tension of the porous surface where the mold is, dislodging the spores and allowing the bleach or any other product to penetrate and kill the mold.

It’s like the surfactant makes way for the product to do a deep killing and removing of the mold.

Before we go into the different methods of killing mold with dish soap, you should note these.

1- Cleaning mold can be dangerous so protect yourself first, before cleaning. Some of the products we’ll be combining with dish soaps can also be harmful.

So wear old clothes, long rubber gloves, goggles, and a nose mask always.

2- Mold appear because of moisture. Don’t just kill the mold and leave. Look for the source of the problem; why the place has a lot of moisture, and solve that problem.

That’s a more permanent way of ridding yourself of mold.

3- If you are dealing with black mold or mold that has affected a very large area, it’s better to call professionals.

Does Dish Soap Kill Mold on Dishes?

Dish soap will clean and remove mold from dishes without stress. Dishes have non-porous surfaces so it’s easy to kill or clean mold on them. The mold doesn’t have roots or spores you can’t see, so you only have to deal with the surface level.

Now let’s discuss the method of doing this in detail.

Method 1: Dish Soap + Hot Water

This method works best if the mold hasn’t stayed on the dishes for long.


1- Hot water
2- Dish soap
3- Sponge


STEP 1: Plug your sink and fill it with 1 gallon of hot water.

STEP 2: Add some drops of dish soap to the water. Enough to make it foam. If the dishes can’t be destroyed by hot water, put them into the soapy hot water and leave them. If the dishes can be destroyed, let the water cool a bit before putting the dishes.

STEP 3: When the water has cooled down, take a sponge or pad and scrub the dishes. The mold will easily remove and your dishes will be free.

STEP 4: Unplug the sink and let the water drain out. Now wash the dishes again with normal water and dish soap and rinse with warm water. Dry the dishes when you are done.

Method 2: Dish Soap + Vinegar / Bleach

If the dishes have been moldy for a long time, the first method may not work. You need something stronger. But you still need dish soap like we earlier explained.


1- Vinegar/bleach
2- Water
3- Dish soap
4- Bristled brush.
5- Sponge


STEP 1: Dishes are non-porous so you don’t need to use the dish soap first. A surfactant isn’t needed.

STEP 2: Spray your dishes with white vinegar or soak them in a bleach solution. 1 cup of bleach to 1 gallon of water is a perfect mix.

STEP 3: Let the vinegar sit on your dishes for like 5 minutes. If you’re using a bleach solution, 5 minutes is also enough for the dishes to soak.

STEP 4: Use the bristle brush to scrub the dishes thoroughly. The acidic nature of the vinegar/bleach would have killed the mold, making it easier to remove.

STEP 5: To make sure the mold is all gone. Use a sponge and some dish soap to wash the dishes in warm water. This also helps to get rid of the vinegar/ bleach residue.

STEP 6: Rinse with cool water and dry.

Does Dish Soap Kill Mold on Hands?

Dish soap will not kill mold on your hands but can help get rid of it before it can harm you. Some mold types have toxins that can irritate your skin, causes rashes, and even infect you if you have open wounds on your hands.

So getting rid of the mold if your hands come in contact with them is important. Dish soaps can help with that.

How to Use Dish Soap on Hands?

STEP 1- Rinse your hands with water. Running water works best but if it’s not available, let someone pour water on your hands slowly.

STEP 2- Put two drops of dish soap on your hands and rub them together thoroughly. Do this for like 20 seconds.

STEP 3- Rinse your hands again under running warm water for like 10 seconds, and dry with a soft clean towel.

Will Dish Soap Kill Mold on Walls?

Yes, in addition to other products, dish soap can be used to kill mold on walls. Walls are porous surfaces so the surfactant in the dish soap s needed.

Now, let’s see how to kill mold on walls with dish soap.

Method 1: Dish Soap + Bleach

Bleach works well in killing and removing mold not just from dishes but from walls too. It also prepares the wall for recording or repainting.

Remember that bleach can destroy your fabric and irritate your skin. So wear old clothes, long rubber gloves, and a nose mask.


1- Bleach
2- Water
3- Dish soap
4- Sponge
5- Brush


STEP 1: Pour some water into a bowl and add some drops of dish soap. Use your hands to stir till it foams.

STEP 2: Use a sponge to clean your moldy walls with soapy water. The surfactant in it will dislodge the mold and prepare the surface for the bleach to go through.

STEP 3: Prepare a bleach solution. 1 part bleach to 3 parts water is needed for this. Pour this solution into a spray bottle and spray your wall thoroughly. Ensure the moldy wall is well saturated with the bleach solution.

STEP 4: Allow the solution to sit for like 10 minutes, then scrub the wall with a brush, taking care not to damage the wall.

STEP 5: Rinse the wall with water when you are done and allow it to dry. If the wall is indoors, open all windows, and turn on the fans so it can dry faster.

Method 2: Dish Soap + Borax

Borax is a non-toxic product that you can safely use to kill and prevent mold in your home. Not only will it kill the mold on your wall, but it also will prevent new mold from growing on that wall because of its anti-fungal properties.

This method is great for extensive mold infestation.


1- Borax
2- Bucket
3- Sprayer
4- Dish soap
5- Brush


STEP 1: Pour 1 gallon of hot water into a bucket and add 1 cup of borax into it. The hot water helps the borax dissolve and mix properly with the water.

STEP 2: Pour the solution into a sprayer when it cools down a bit and spray the moldy wall. The borax solution kills the mold so spray it generously.

STEP 3: Allow the borax solution to sit on the wall for about 5 minutes, then scrub with a brush. The mold will easily dislodge from the walls. Leave it for 1 minute.

STEP 4: Put some dish soap in a bowl of warm water. Use a scrub pad to scrub the wall clean using warm soapy water. Then rinse the mold and grime off the wall water.

STEP 5: After rinsing the wall and it looks clean, spray the wall again with borax solution lightly. This will ensure mold doesn’t grow on the wall again. Then let it dry off.

For killing mold on concrete/cement block basement walls, white vinegar or Hydrogen peroxide is a better option.

Will Dish Soap Kill Mold on the Floor?

When combined with other products, yes it will. And we’ll be looking at the different ways this can be done easily.

As we earlier mentioned, don’t forget to protect yourself whenever you want to kill or clean mold.

Method 1: Dish Soap + Vinegar & Baking Soda


1- Vinegar
2- Baking soda
3- Dish soap
4- Spray bottle
5- Bowl
6- Brush
7- Water


STEP 1: Make a paste. Mix 1 part water, 1 part vinegar, and 2 parts baking soda in a bowl and stir to get this paste.

STEP 2: Spread the paste on the mold on your floor. Ensure it covers it all. The mold won’t die otherwise.

STEP 3: Let the paste sit on your moldy floor until it dries. The ventilation in that area will determine how long you have to wait.

STEP 4: Put some drops of dish soap into a small bowl of water and pour the soapy water into a spray bottle.

STEP 5: Spray the soapy water on the dry paste lightly and scrub with a brush. You can use a brush with a long handle so you don’t hurt your back.

STEP 6: When you are done scrubbing, use a wet mop to clean the area and remove all the dislodged grime and mold.

STEP 7: Spray the floor with undiluted white vinegar lightly to prevent mold from growing again. Let it dry off.

Method 2: Dish Soap + Oil Cloves & Vinegar

This method is good for a light mold problem. If the floor covered with mold is a very large area and the mold looks bad, call professionals.


1- Clove oil
2- Dish soap
3- Vinegar
4- Brush
5- Mop
6- Bowl
7- Bucket


STEP 1: Make an oil clove solution. To get this, pour 2 liters of water into a bowl and add 1 teaspoon of oil.

STEP 2: Pour this solution into a spray bottle and shake very well. Spray the moldy floor thoroughly with this.

STEP 3: Allow the solution to sit on the floor overnight. The solution kills the mold and the spores so you won’t have to worry about mold for a while.

STEP 4: Mix 1 part vinegar, 2 parts water, and some drops of dish soap in a bucket.

STEP 5: Use a brush to apply it to the moldy floor and scrub it thoroughly.

STEP 6: When you are done, use a wet mop to get rid of the grime, loosened mold, and dirt on the floor, and let the floor dry.

Will Dish Soap Kill Mold on Wood?

Dish soap can effectively remove mold from wooden surfaces, including moldy wooden spoons. And you can combine it with other products to get a more effective result.

Method 1: Dish Soap +Water


1- Dish soap
2- Water
3- Bowl
4- Spray bottle
5- Brush
6- Towel


STEP 1: Mix 1 liter of warm water with 1 teaspoon of dish soap in a bowl. Pour the soapy water into a spray bottle.

STEP 2: Spray the affected areas on the wood with warm soapy water.

STEP 3: Use a soft-bristled brush to scrub the moldy areas thoroughly.

STEP 4: Use a damp towel to remove the dirt, excess water, and dislodged mold. Then let the wood dry.

Method 2: Dish Soap + Hydrogen Peroxide

If the first method doesn’t give you the result you want, try this. Hydrogen peroxide is safe and you can get it easily in stores nearby or buy it online.


1- 3% Hydrogen peroxide
2- Water
3- Dish soap
4- Brush
5- Towel


STEP 1: Get a bowl and mix 1 part of water with 1 part of 3% hydrogen peroxide.

STEP 2: Pour this solution into a spray bottle and spray the affected areas on the wood. Ensure the solution covers all the areas.

STEP 3: Allow the solution to sit on the moldy wood for like 15 minutes. Then scrub with a brush.

STEP 4: Put some dish soap into a bowl of water and use a sponge to apply it to the wood, wiping the dirt and mold away.

STEP 5: Wipe with a clean damp towel when you are done and allow the wood to dry.


Dish soap or even many multi-surface cleaners such as Fabuloso cannot kill mold on their own. They need to be mixed with other mold killing agents.

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